
1. Presentation of the website

The company Apentis S.à.r.l. is the owner of the website www.apentis.com.

This website has been created by the agency Qunabu Interactive, located ul. Politechniczna 9/7, 80-266 Gdansk, Poland. 

The website is hosted by LuxHosting Networks SARL, located rue Michel Rodange 7, L-8034 Strassen, Luxembourg.


2. Intellectual property and counterfeiting

The owner of the website owns the intellectual property rights or has the right to use all the items available on the website, including text, images, graphics, logos, icons, and software… Any reproduction, modification, publication, total or partial adaptation of website items, regardless of the means or process, is prohibited without prior written permission requested by sending an email to the following email address contact@apentis.eu

Any unauthorized use of the website or any of its content will be deemed to constitute an infringement and will be prosecuted in accordance with the regulations.


3. Protection of property and management of personal data

The owner of the www.apentis.com website, collects personal information about the user that is required for the provision of services offered by the website. More specifically, the website can collect information only when the user request an access to the platform Risk Quadrant (name and email address) or when he/she wants to contact Apentis trough the contact form (name, email address, phone number, and company name). Before storing any data, the user must provides his/her consent. Apentis will not store any data of the user without his/her consent and Apentis will not use the data for any means different than what it is intended for (i.e. : having a Risk Quadrant account, or submitting a text to Apentis team with some information necessary to get the answer).

According to the GDPR regulation, the user has the right to consult, modify and request deletion of his/her personal data that Apentis store. To exercise this right, the user can submit his/her request by email:  contact@apentis.euor via the Contact form.

No personal information of the user is published, exchanged, transferred, assigned or sold in any format or medium to any third party without the knowledge of the user. Only the potential sale of the company Apentis would allow the transmission of such information to the prospective purchaser who would in turn be under the same GDPR obligations.